Radix | Ranking



Character: 4_MAVERICK
Guild: The_VIKINGS
Level: 110
Race: Chinese
Status: Offline
Job: Trader
Intellect: 129
Strength: 456
CTF Kills/Death: 0/0
CTF Wins/Lose: 0/0
Arena Kills/Death: 0/0
Arena Wins/Lose: 0/0
Job Kills/Death: 2/25
PVP Kills/Death: 8/13
4_MAVERICK has Killed none July 21, 2024, 11:24 p.m.
4_MAVERICK has Killed none July 21, 2024, 10:56 p.m.
4_MAVERICK has Killed none July 21, 2024, 10:34 p.m.
4_MAVERICK has Killed none July 21, 2024, 10:18 p.m.
4_MAVERICK has Killed none July 21, 2024, 9:59 p.m.
WTS <Sereness's tears> 150 k siilk    Dec. 30, 2023, 3:03 p.m.
WTS <Sereness's tears>    Dec. 28, 2023, 6:44 p.m.
WTS OFEER <Sereness's tears>    Dec. 28, 2023, 6:24 p.m.
4_MAVERICK has Killed Sun May 11, 2024, 10:42 p.m.
4_MAVERICK has Killed Sun May 11, 2024, 10:39 p.m.
4_MAVERICK has Killed Sun May 11, 2024, 10:36 p.m.
4_MAVERICK has Killed Sun May 11, 2024, 10:34 p.m.
4_MAVERICK has Killed Sun May 11, 2024, 10:33 p.m.
4_MAVERICK has Killed BaD May 11, 2024, 10:03 p.m.
4_MAVERICK has Killed Amber Jan. 8, 2024, 12:15 a.m.


No Name (+0)
Sort Of Item : Arrow

Degree: 1 degrees

Required level 0

Max. no. of magic options: 0 unit(s) Able to use Advanced elixir
Newtrita (+11)
Sort Of Item : Bow
Seal of Nova
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. atk. pwr. 2407 ~ 2831 (+ 100 %)
Mag. atk. pwr. 3851 ~ 4529 (+100%)
Durability 128 /97 (+0%)
Attack distance 18.0 m
Attack rate 177 (+ 41 %)
Critical 14 (+100 %)
Phy. reinforce 270.0 ~ 330.8 (+100%)

Required level 101

Max. no. of magic options: 9 unit(s)
Immortal (1 Time/times)
Astral (1 Time/times)
Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Incease
Attack rate 60% Increase
Blocking rate 100

Advanced elixir is in effect [+2]
Drako Underworld Shell (+5)
Sort Of Item : Protector
Moungting part: Shoulder
Seal of Nova
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 202.2 (+32%)
Mag. def. pwr. 336.2 (+12%)
Durability 255/96 (+38%)
Parry rate 13 (+3%)
Phy. reinforce 25.7 (+0%)
Mag. reinforce 44.2 (+54%)

Required level 101

Max. no. of magic options: 9 unit(s)
Lucky (2 Time/times)
Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Incease
Parry rate 60% Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir
Kefta Headgear (+11)
Sort Of Item : Protector
Moungting part: Head
Seal of Nova
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 286.4 (+100%)
Mag. def. pwr. 481.6 (+100%)
Durability 239/89 (+0%)
Parry rate 38 (+61%)
Phy. reinforce 33.2 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 55.7 (+100%)

Required level 101

Max. no. of magic options: 9 unit(s)
Immortal (1 Time/times)
Astral (1 Time/times)
Lucky (2 Time/times)
Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Incease
Parry rate 60% Increase
HP 1300 Increase

Advanced elixir is in effect [+2]
Drako Underworld Bracer (+5)
Sort Of Item : Protector
Moungting part: Hands
Seal of Nova
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 192.2 (+80%)
Mag. def. pwr. 312.3 (+12%)
Durability 241/92 (+19%)
Parry rate 10 (+0%)
Phy. reinforce 24.0 (+6%)
Mag. reinforce 40.9 (+45%)

Required level 101

Max. no. of magic options: 9 unit(s)
Lucky (2 Time/times)
Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Incease
Parry rate 60% Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir
Drako Underworld Lamellar (+7)
Sort Of Item : Protector
Moungting part: Chest
Seal of Nova
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 349.6 (+9%)
Mag. def. pwr. 601.6 (+61%)
Durability 232/90 (+3%)
Parry rate 33 (+25%)
Phy. reinforce 42.6 (+32%)
Mag. reinforce 71.9 (+41%)

Required level 101

Max. no. of magic options: 9 unit(s)
Immortal (1 Time/times)
Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Incease
Parry rate 60% Increase
HP 1300 Increase
MP 1300 Increase
Lucky (6 Time/times)

Able to use Advanced elixir
Drako Underworldr Boots (+5)
Sort Of Item : Protector
Moungting part: Foot
Seal of Nova
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 243.5 (+80%)
Mag. def. pwr. 408.9 (+80%)
Durability 256/94 (+25%)
Parry rate 43 (+80%)
Phy. reinforce 31.0 (+80%)
Mag. reinforce 52.0 (+80%)

Required level 101

Max. no. of magic options: 9 unit(s)
Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Incease
Parry rate 60% Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir
Drako Underworld Tasset (+7)
Sort Of Item : Protector
Moungting part: Legs
Seal of Nova
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 295.5 (+80%)
Mag. def. pwr. 496.8 (+80%)
Durability 288/104 (+70%)
Parry rate 47 (+80%)
Phy. reinforce 35.8 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 59.7 (+80%)

Required level 101

Max. no. of magic options: 9 unit(s)
Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Durability 200% Incease
Parry rate 60% Increase
HP 1300 Increase
MP 1300 Increase
Immortal (1 Time/times)

Able to use Advanced elixir
Nektid Necklace (+7)
Sort Of Item : Necklace
Seal of Nova
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. absorption 33.6 (+100 %)
Mag. absorption 33.6 (+100%)

Required level 101

Max. no. of magic options: 9 unit(s)
Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Freezing,FrostbiteHour Reduce 20%
Electric shockHour Reduce 20 %
BurnHour Reduce 20%
PoisoningHour Reduce 20%
ZombieHour Reduce 20%
Immortal (1 Time/times)
Astral (1 Time/times)

Able to use Advanced elixir
Jewel Earring (+11)
Sort Of Item : Earring
Seal of Nova
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. absorption 29.2 (+80 %)
Mag. absorption 29.2 (+80%)

Required level 101

Max. no. of magic options: 9 unit(s)
Lucky (4 Time/times)
Immortal (1 Time/times)
Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Freezing,FrostbiteHour Reduce 20%
Electric shockHour Reduce 20 %
BurnHour Reduce 20%
PoisoningHour Reduce 20%
ZombieHour Reduce 20%

Advanced elixir is in effect [+2]
Nektid Ring (+12)
Sort Of Item : Ring
Seal of Nova
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. absorption 26.9 (+100 %)
Mag. absorption 26.9 (+100%)

Required level 101

Max. no. of magic options: 9 unit(s)
Immortal (1 Time/times)
Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Freezing,FrostbiteHour Reduce 20%
Electric shockHour Reduce 20 %
BurnHour Reduce 20%
PoisoningHour Reduce 20%
ZombieHour Reduce 20%

Advanced elixir is in effect [+2]
Jewel Ring (+5)
Sort Of Item : Ring
Seal of Nova
Degree: 11 degrees

Phy. absorption 25.7 (+80 %)
Mag. absorption 25.3 (+0%)

Required level 101

Max. no. of magic options: 9 unit(s)
Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Freezing,FrostbiteHour Reduce 20%
Electric shockHour Reduce 20 %
BurnHour Reduce 20%
PoisoningHour Reduce 20%
ZombieHour Reduce 20%

Able to use Advanced elixir
Avatar Hat (M) Sort of item: Avatar Hat
Max. no. of magic options: 2 unit(s)

MP 150 Increase
5% Damage increase on uniques.

Avatar Attachement (M) Sort of item: Avatar Accessory
Max. no. of magic options: 1 unit(s)

25% Damage increase on uniques.
Lucky (6 Time/times)

Avatar Dress (M) Sort of item: Avatar Dress
Max. no. of magic options: 4 unit(s)

5% Damage increase on uniques.
Ignore Monster Defense 1% Probability
Attack rate 5% Increase
Ignore Monster Defense 1% Probability

No Name (M) (+4) Sort of item: Devil's Spirit
Magic option

8% Damage increase on uniques.

Unique Kills Count